Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Crowns

    A dental crown is a porcelain cap that we attach to the top of a damaged tooth using special dental adhesive. That way, we can save a tooth and restore it to its full function even if it’s cracked, broken, or damaged from trauma or excessive decay

    In addition to protecting the tooth from further damage, our dental crowns are completely unnoticeable because they’re custom-made to match your smile.


    Dr. Sadeghi restores chipped, cracked, damaged, small, or badly discolored teeth in just two office visits using veneers. These thin porcelain shells are attached to the front surfaces of your teeth, instantly transforming your smile.

    Veneers blend in naturally, giving you a flawless smile that really sparkles.

  • Invisalign

    Are you looking for a fast and easy way to straighten your teeth without metal braces? Invisalgn® uses a series of clear aligners to gradually correct your smile, and they’re so discreet your friends won’t even notice them.

    You can eat whatever you want with Invisalign because you simply remove your aligners when it’s time for a meal. On average, treatment time with Invisalign is about twice as fast as using traditional metal braces, so you can have a beautiful new smile before you know it.

  • Teeth Whitening

    Do you enjoy drinks such as coffee, tea, soda, or wine? Then you’ve probably noticed how they can stain your teeth over time even if you brush every day. With our professional teeth whitening treatments, we can make your teeth several shades whiter in about an hour.

    Get whiter, brighter teeth today — Dr. Sadeghi’s professional whitening is fast, easy, and a lot more effective than those messy drugstore remedies.

“I just want to be the bridge between you and a confident smile.”